Mom in a Blender

The life of a mom is like living in a blender


I always try to describe a situation with one word.

When my daughter completed junior high school I asked her to describe the time in one word. She replied finally. I liked her response.

As I reflect on my life the one word that blazes through my mind like blinking neon lights is survival.

I believe many people can say that about life. We are all just trying to survive the best way we know how. Guess what? We know nothing. Some of us think we know something but we really don’t know shit. Like Jon Snow…

I read a story about a man who jumped to his death from a hotel room window. 25 years old. Man that’s sad. He did what he thought he needed to do to survive. I do not have the guts to jump from a window to my death. What if it hurt like shit? What if I survived? Why would I want to inflict that kind of imagery on the strangers who would find me? Imagine their trauma for life?

I read a story about a mom losing two sons in one day to opioid use. What the fuck? I’ve survived a lot of shit in life but I think to myself nothing could prepare me for that kind of grief. I am chicken shit when it comes to drug use like opioids or heroine or crack or any of that hard core stuff.

I feel for that mom and the rest of her family. They all must strive to survive that kind of grief that haunts a person for life.

I don’t go through life judging as who am I to judge? I’ve experienced a lot of shit and I’ve done some bad shit.

The shit I’ve done came down to trying to survive. The shit that was done to me was a result of people trying to survive.

Living life we must accept the good the bad and the ugly. Whether we chose to live or die is a choice about what we are willing to try to survive through.

I love living! It’s so much fun. Surviving is fun! That’s my opinion and that’s what works for my life. Live and love and survive…


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