Mom in a Blender

The life of a mom is like living in a blender

Archive for the tag “soul to take”


Every day is thanksgiving for me. Every day is an opportunity for people to give thanks. Every night before I go to sleep I recite the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep poem. I have recited this poem in my head for God knows how long. When I get to the part where if I should die before I wake I recite it with conviction because there is no guarantee I will wake up and if by chance I don’t I do pray the Lord my soul to take. So the next morning and each and every morning after that I give thanks to God for my life. I listen to people who are down in the dumps and though I cannot make anyone feel better I tell them at least you are alive.

I have my good days and bad days and sometimes I am down in the dumps, but I am thankful for the sun. My God, I love the sun! I am thankful for my job. I love my job and I love my coworkers. I support many people and I juggle many balls and sometimes I get so frustrated because I get overwhelmed trying to give all that I can to support these people. Just when I am at the bottom of despair and frustration I get a “thank you for all you do” or someone brings me lunch or my favorite muffin and I feel thankful for getting thanks.

I am a simple person. I appreciate the little things in life like the sound of mommy from my happy baby, or a surprise batch of brownies made from my daughter decorated with hearts.

I hate feeling sorry for myself, but sometimes I do. It’s the times when I am feeling sorry for myself something or someone comes along to snap me back to reality and thankfulness.

On this day of Thanksgiving and every day I am thankful for my children, I am thankful for the shining sun, I am thankful for my one true friend in this world and she knows who she is and I am thankful for life.

So tonight when I go to bed I will do the same routine of reciting that poem or prayer and hope that if I die before I wake, God will take my soul.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Over and out 🙂

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