Mom in a Blender

The life of a mom is like living in a blender

Archive for the tag “Tennis”

Home School Wk 6

This was a good week as far as home schooling goes. My daughter continues to improve every day. Not only is she improving, but her father who was against homeschooling is seeing the change. I am not sure if I converted him completely, but so far so good. My daughter and I played tennis a couple times this week. I had a lot of fun. The first week of her homeschooling she researched tennis and I think it’s pretty cool to apply knowledge to real life. We are not pros by any means but we had good times. Next week we will add the batting cages. My daughter has never been to the batting cages so I guess that can be a field trip for us.

My daughter baked me a chocolate cake this week using cake flour. I swear it was the best chocolate cake I ever had and could be sold in a gourmet bakery or fancy restaurant. My daughter is changing before my eyes and I love her transformation. My daughter is an artist, she is really good. She is learning how to body paint with my cousin who has her own body painting business.  Last week end my daughter went out on her first painting gig. She did not paint, but she helped corral the children. My daughter practiced painting and I was her canvas. She painted a butterfly on my face and painted a spidey glove on my hand. I am not an artist. I am very impressed with how easily my daughter paints. She is a natural.

This week I had my daughter read her history aloud to me and then we discussed. I want her to get used to reading aloud and discussing her reading. She seemed to understand well with this method. After a few paragraphs I stopped her and had her paraphrase what she read. This week, we learned about California and the gold rush. It seemed like looking for gold was like playing the lottery. I told my daughter that most of us do have to work hard for a living and striking it rich easily is just a pipe dream. My daughter researched jazz and ballet and Vincent Van Gogh. Vincent committed suicide at 37. How sad is that?

I would not say this week was 100%. Today, my daughter had to go to the doctor for her yearly check up. My daughter hates the doctor and hates shots. She is in a very grumpy mood right now, but I hope she cheers up soon. It’s not easy to get along with a negative person when they attack you personally. I can’t tell my daughter to go away until she is in a better mood. All I can do is listen with patience and hope her mood will lighten and then mine will too.

Over and out 🙂

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