Mom in a Blender

The life of a mom is like living in a blender

Home School Wk 9

Another great week of home schooling is in the books. I probably sound like a broken record but my daughter continues to amaze me with her studies. She is using her vocabulary words in sentences and is retaining what she is learning. I continue to express to her how proud I am of her and what she is accomplishing.

I do however feel I am fighting an uphill battle convincing her father I am doing the right thing. In spite of our daughter’s happiness and overall well being he is dampening the flame I am trying to build. He is so dramatic and fatalistic in his attitude to homeschooling. I hate to say it but his depressive mood puts my daughter and me in a state of despair that negates the good I am trying to accomplish.

Last week my daughter’s therapist asked me how I felt that my intuition with my daughter was correct. I told her I feel great but I also feel bad because my daughter’s father is trying to create something bad from this situation. My daughter’s father wants her to go to high school. She may decide to go to high school. We are only entering week 10 of a 42 week school year so I don’t understand why he is so fatalistic already.

Sometimes I feel helpless and downright dumb founded in trying to explain this process to him. So many children are home schooled and there is nothing wrong with home schooling. My daughter feels home schooling is harder than traditional school but she is happy in her environment so she does not mind that it is harder. I don’t think it would take a rocket scientist to figure this out but my daughter’s father is way out of touch and out of line. I recognize he has a right to his opinion, but damn his negativity is a joy kill.

I will continue to do my job as a mother and as an educator. I will not win the fight of convincing my daughter’s father this is the right thing but I also feel if he thinks it’s so bad, what is he doing besides complain?

I honestly think he has issues because instead of finding problems where there are non he should congratulate his daughter and tell her he is proud of her and that he is happy she is happy. I mean, it’s not rocket science…

Over and out 🙂

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