Mom in a Blender

The life of a mom is like living in a blender

Homeschool Wk 16

I don’t want to stop the broken record of sharing how proud I am of my daughter in her home school journey. This week she figured out how to solve difficult math problems without asking me for help. She spent a lot of timing trying to figure out how to get the right answer and her persistence paid off. I told her how proud I was and am of her.

Science was funny because I was trying to give her examples to get her to understand the material and I happened to use the word shit in my explanation. My daughter said, “Mommy that does not sound scientific.” I told her she was right and we both had a good laugh. I love that I can share a laugh with my daughter through an experience that can be challenging.

This week in history we read about the abolitionist movement and the women’s right movement. I found a new hero in Sojourner Truth. She was a key figure in history, but she never learned to read and write. She was a great speaker. I am sure she spoke from her heart based on her experience and that in itself was her education. I took the opportunity to tell my daughter every person has unique strengths and hopefully if they are in tune with themselves they can use those strengths to get places in life.

I am so impressed with the women who had the guts to stand up to men and the bullshit ideas men imposed. One woman only agreed to marry her husband if she was allowed to keep her property and “love, honor, and obey” were removed from the wedding vows. I experienced a control of property and I fucking hated every minute of it. “Why did you spend this? Why did that cost so much?” Jesus, it sucked. One day I heard a coworker questioning his wife the same way I had been questioned and I wanted to barf I was so disgusted.  So those women are awesome!

I know my daughter does not give a rat’s ass about any of these people in history. They are long gone and they were adults. I get that because I was the same when I was in school. One day when she will be an adult she will probably feel the way I feel today.

I had my daughter write another story using her vocabulary words and I wanted her to use imagery. She did a fine job. She may just come to liking writing. Well, probably not for a long time…

As always, looking forward to next week!

Over and out 🙂

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