Mom in a Blender

The life of a mom is like living in a blender

Archive for the tag “science”

Home School Wk 17

I love homeschooling my daughter. Each week she continues to impress me. She has worked hard these past 17 weeks and I am just so proud. I give her a lot of work. She says I give her more work than she was given in traditional school. I don’t know about that. The only thing I do know is I don’t want to fail my daughter. Taking on the task to educate my daughter is not as challenging as I thought it would be. I guess this is because I am having so much fun. I enjoy the material. As an almost forty year old I love learning about things I did not care about when I was in school. I was like my daughter where I loved art class. I did like math and science, but only because I did not really have to study for those classes. I had a hard time studying. I believe that is why I understand my daughter so much.

In history we continued to read about slavery. My daughter is tired of learning about slavery and women’s rights but her curriculum is United States history. So much of United States history revolves around slavery so it is what it is. I myself find the slavery issue very interesting and how people knew slavery was wrong, but it seemed ending slavery was not as simple as simply declaring slavery over. Slavery took jobs from white workers. I am sure a slave owner would rather have a slave working the land than to have to pay someone. The text referenced Uncle Tom’s Cabin. I read a lot when I was a child but I never read Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Maybe one day I will. I won’t torture my daughter by making her read it. I look at slavery from putting myself in a slave’s shoes. Freedom is priceless.

The science discussion focused on Earth science. I always hated Earth science and as I review the material I think to myself, how boring! I don’t reveal my feeling to my daughter but I know she thinks the same.

I had my daughter create a power point on lung disease. She did a magnificent job. Her power points are beautiful and creative. Next week is her winter break and I think we both need it to refresh. Working full time and homeschooling full time is rewarding but draining.

As always looking forward to next week, break!! Yippee!

Over and out 🙂

Homeschool Wk 16

I don’t want to stop the broken record of sharing how proud I am of my daughter in her home school journey. This week she figured out how to solve difficult math problems without asking me for help. She spent a lot of timing trying to figure out how to get the right answer and her persistence paid off. I told her how proud I was and am of her.

Science was funny because I was trying to give her examples to get her to understand the material and I happened to use the word shit in my explanation. My daughter said, “Mommy that does not sound scientific.” I told her she was right and we both had a good laugh. I love that I can share a laugh with my daughter through an experience that can be challenging.

This week in history we read about the abolitionist movement and the women’s right movement. I found a new hero in Sojourner Truth. She was a key figure in history, but she never learned to read and write. She was a great speaker. I am sure she spoke from her heart based on her experience and that in itself was her education. I took the opportunity to tell my daughter every person has unique strengths and hopefully if they are in tune with themselves they can use those strengths to get places in life.

I am so impressed with the women who had the guts to stand up to men and the bullshit ideas men imposed. One woman only agreed to marry her husband if she was allowed to keep her property and “love, honor, and obey” were removed from the wedding vows. I experienced a control of property and I fucking hated every minute of it. “Why did you spend this? Why did that cost so much?” Jesus, it sucked. One day I heard a coworker questioning his wife the same way I had been questioned and I wanted to barf I was so disgusted.  So those women are awesome!

I know my daughter does not give a rat’s ass about any of these people in history. They are long gone and they were adults. I get that because I was the same when I was in school. One day when she will be an adult she will probably feel the way I feel today.

I had my daughter write another story using her vocabulary words and I wanted her to use imagery. She did a fine job. She may just come to liking writing. Well, probably not for a long time…

As always, looking forward to next week!

Over and out 🙂

Home School Week 13

We had another great week of homeschooling. My daughter is very responsible with her work and I really appreciate the effort she is making. To have success really takes both of working together and being on the same page. We are on the same page and I am really happy about this.

However, my enthusiasm and excitement about learning with my daughter is not infectious. I do struggle with trying to get her to be interested in any of the topics we study. This week we studied Charles Darwin and I had no idea his contribution to science. Charles Darwin studied life on an isolated island and noticed the changes to the animals to adapt to the changing environment. His theory centered on “natural selection” and how organisms pass on the good genes to be the survival of the fittest. I thought the reading was cool. The science reading gave an example of the gypsy moth and the evolution of the gypsy moth around the Industrial Revolution. We had read about the Industrial Revolution in history weeks back. I told my daughter it’s pretty cool to have our learning of subject material tied into multiple subjects. She does not see the coolness about that.

I encourage my daughter to answer questions either scientifically or using historical terms. My daughter does struggle with the terminology because she does think it’s hard but I will continue to nudge her along. She shows improvement as the weeks go by so I can’t complain. This is a work in progress.

I struggle with trying to get my daughter to retain some of what I am teaching her. I don’t expect her to remember it all, but I would like it if she did not forget what I said as soon as she gets up from the table.  I always tell her to try to think about what we learned, but I know she does not.

She did her science experiment with the potato and osmosis and it worked! Fascinating! I should have taken pictures but I threw the potatoes away. I hate mess! We can do it again. My daughter used a sweet potato so next time she can use a regular potato.

My daughter continues to amaze me because she brings ideas to the table on how she can learn. I love that I allow her to have some say in her educational journey. I know having a say makes her more open to learning.

As always, looking forward to next week!

Over and out 🙂

Home School Week 12

I have to report on another great week of homeschooling. I had my daughter write me a story about a culture from the time period of slavery. She wrote a story about an African family who got separated at the slave auction. My daughter titled the story the endless story. She hates writing, but its great practice.

This week we learned about osmosis and diffusion in science. There is a science experiment in the text I want my daughter to try using a potato and what osmosis will do to the potato. I am so excited to see; probably more excited than my daughter. I bet I did not give a shit about osmosis and diffusion when I was her age. I know my daughter was confused reading the material and I completely understand. I read the material to her and explain in common terms and give common examples to help her understand. I then ask her to come up with an example of her own.

In history we read about propaganda and I thought to myself how fitting considering the country was bombarded with propaganda commercials surrounding the elections. Thank God that shit is over! We started reading about the American Arts and I am fascinated by Transcendentalism. I myself try to rise above material things. I rely too heavily on my I Phone. I am addicted to the thing. It sucks to admit. One day I walked by the Apple Store in the mall and the store was packed with people like an overflowing sardine can. I could not help but be awed over how much materialism exists when there are starving homeless people all around. I have to say it makes me really sad. I try not to be a person who wants bigger and better. I do find the simple things find me joy; like taking a hot shower. What is better than being clean?

Anyway, back to the week. I wish my daughter would be more enthused about her learning, but she is not. She is doing well but she really does not give a damn about the material. I guess I may have had the same attitude back when I went to junior high. I usually did just try to skate by. I did not really get into excitement about my education until I went to college. In college I learned knowledge truly is power. My daughter does not realize this now but I am confident she will one day. As always, looking forward to next week.

Over and out 🙂

Homeschool Week 11

The saying “time flies when you’re having fun” is so true. I am having so much fun and the time is flying. We finished week 11 and we had another great week. My daughter is developing educationally and I continue to be so proud of her accomplishments. She even learned how to solve a math problem by looking at the example. Sometimes it is hard to learn how to solve problems even when looking at the example. This week in History we read about slaves. I find the material fit in quite nicely with the timing of President Barack Obama winning the second term of election.

Our history text stated, “Wealthy white southerners thought that their religion justified their position in society and the institution of slavery. They argued that God created some people, like themselves to rule others.” Deverell, W & White G. United States History, 2007.

What a powerful, sad thought for people to believe they were like God and meant to rule over others. The thought at the time was also that Africans were only good for slavery. Thank God America continues to see the flaws in the culture and reform is constantly evolving.

In science we read about neuroplasticity which is the study of helping people see the full potential of the brain and exercising the brain. This is excellent and relevant to our studies because people can learn and exercise the brain in different ways. Learning should not be cookie cutter because we humans are not cookie cutter. The history lesson described how slaves would cut scraps of cloth and sew the scraps to their clothes to individualize themselves. We pride ourselves on our individuality I explained to my daughter. Therefore, learning should be and can be individualized to a person. My daughter clearly may exercise her brain, may develop her brain by one on one instruction. My daughter is more willing to ask me questions than if she were sitting in a classroom with thirty students. My God the transformation for both of us is absolutely incredible.

In our learning we read how slaves who were not allowed to be educated invented technologies to make life easier. I stressed to my daughter anyone has the ability to create something out of nothing. I stressed to my daughter the importance of being aware of what is around her and every single person on this great God given planet earth can make change for the better.

Any parent out there who is thinking about homeschooling I attest it can be done and I am so excited for next week.

Over and out 🙂

Home School Wk 3

Am I smarter than an 8th grader? I am not sure. This week was better than last week. Through this home school process I know I will see many ups and downs and we, my daughter and I, will experience many frustrations. I think she did a good job this week and I see that she is trying. My daughter is a complex person as we are all complex. As part of this process I must continue to express to her that she is the way she is and that is how she is meant to be. I don’t expect her to be like me because she is not me. Her father I believe has fallen into the trap of comparing himself as a kid to her as a kid. He liked to play sports so he thinks she should like to play sports. I do not bad mouth him but I do tell my daughter it’s ok if she does not like to play sports. As a child I loved to read and loved putting puzzles together. My daughter does not like to read or like to put puzzles together. That is ok with me.

This week we studied scientific notation in math. At first she had trouble but after taking a step back she got it. I learned my daughter forgot fractions. I explained her that some math has to be remembered. So, I had to go back to some of the basics. I taught my daughter the beauty of Excel, at least the adding function. So much better than a calculator. I introduced her to taking notes. Note taking is so important in teaching and learning. I am encouraging her to broaden her thinking. I do not accept answers like “I like The Hunger Games because it was good.” I am developing her thought to give me more specific reasons why. I will say it’s like pulling teeth out of my head without any pain meds! In history we learned about President Jackson. In the beginning of the chapter Jackson seemed like a President for the people. People related to Jackson. Then we learned about the treatment of the Indians. Jackson did not look so great after his refusal to stand up for the Indians. I guess at the time people in their thought of just taking over someone’s land was right may have made Jackson popular. I asked my daughter how she would feel if someone just came and took over her room. She said she would not think it’s a big deal, but that is a smart ass 13 year old answer!  It’s so crazy that the problems in history affect the people of today like recession, the economy and inflation.

So, am I smarter than an 8th grader? When it comes to book smarts probably not. For, once we complete scientific notation and learning about history, I will probably forget these concepts again. I will say I am having fun learning and teaching my daughter. Sometimes I think she hates me because we keep on practicing until she is a master. When it comes to real world experience yes I am smarter than an 8th grader, but with my help she may catch up to me soon. That’s a good thing!

Over and out 🙂

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